Monday, December 3, 2012

Nativity Silhouette Experiment

Experiment time!

Back in high school, I used to do dot art. Think Seurat's pointillism, but with ink pens. One of my really good friends and I just went back through my high school art collection and my old pieces inspired me to try another version of the art and transfer the dots into calligraphy (of sorts). I also saw something similar at the Craftsman's Classic craft show Thanksgiving weekend and couldn't wait to try.

First I took some versions of nativity silhouettes from the internet (thanks Google search!) and modeled my own quick sketch after them. Then I penciled in the Christmas story from the book of Luke. I'll admit I was totally inspired by Linus's recitation from A Charlie Brown Christmas. I retraced my pencil words with pen, erased the pencil marks, and was left with my finished product:

Here's a closer view...

I followed the manger around, did a few words around the star, and then did the story from Joseph to Jesus to Mary, ending with the words proclaimed by the angel as the ground.

And for all fellow translation nerds, the words came from my New Revised Standard Version: Catholic Edition bible. 

I won't say it's my favorite piece I've ever completed, by the message behind definitely ranks number one in my book.

Any nativity crafts to share? Let me know in the comments!

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